At the airline's JFK Airport terminal, the urban experience overlaps with the travel experience. Rockwell Group studied other public spaces—from parks to museum steps—to design dynamic way-finding graphics and optimize use of natural corridors.
What if you could choreograph the movement through an airport?

The terminal is a microcosm of city life.
Other gateway structures that combine areas for walking and sitting—Grand Central Station and the front steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, for example—also offer models for shaping travelers’ movement through the space.
Tony Award–winning choreographer and director Jerry Mitchell collaborated on a study of airport terminal circulation patterns.

Steel cables suspend a digitally programmed information yoke in the air.
The design leaves the concourse level open to foot traffic while creating a highly visible display for real-time information updates or digital art. The Rockwell Group LAB created the yoke’s custom software platform, which displays across 43 LCD screens.